Website designs that create your perfect first impression

A website to be proud of, with daring visuals and a cohesive message that connects and converts your dream clients.
When digital marketing comes from the soul, we're the web design company that dives deep and meets your goals
Web Design

For those that strive to reach the right clients and engage them with emotive design.

Web design and web development from the one web design agency, all complementary colours

We’re bringing the human element into web design.

The performance of your website is absolutely key to the success of your business. If you’re working with plain, monotonous design that blends into the noise or speaking without a strategic message that meets the right people - you’re never going to find that next, perfect client. We believe in bringing personality into website design, telling a compelling, engaging story with all the solutions you can provide, the value you can bring, and the benefit you can give to the right people. An excellent website can be the foundation for a storied business and the launchpad for the next phase in your growth.

Find valued clients
Build for the future
Excite and engage
Perfect first impressions

Unleashing the wow-factor

Find valued clients


Finding valued clients is at the core of your business success, and your website plays a crucial role in attracting and engaging with them. With our web design services, we focus on creating a website that resonates with your target audience, appealing to their wants, needs, and aspirations. By understanding the desires of value-aligned clients, we strategically craft your branding, messaging, and design to build strong connections. Our websites are not only visually appealing and user-friendly but also optimised for search engines, ensuring that your business gets the visibility it deserves in online searches. The result? A website that not only captures attention but also nurtures relationships, cultivates valuable leads and boosts your online presence.

Build for the future


Our web design strategy goes beyond creating a website that meets your immediate needs. As an independent Australian digital agency, we have a deep understanding of the local market and industry trends. We take into consideration your future goals, scalability, and the ever-changing digital landscape to ensure that your website remains relevant and effective as your business expands and adapts. With our comprehensive web development process, we collaborate closely with you throughout the website project, providing strategic insights and recommendations that will future-proof your online presence. Our expertise and forward-thinking approach empower your business for long-term success in the dynamic digital landscape.

Excite and engage


We believe that a website should be more than just a static online presence. As a dedicated website design company, we understand the power of a captivating and engaging web project. Our goal is to create a dynamic platform that not only excites and engages your visitors but also leaves a lasting impression and compels them to take action. We strategically incorporate innovative design elements, intuitive navigation, and persuasive calls to action to ensure that your website evokes positive emotions, fosters meaningful connections, and drives desired outcomes for your business.

Perfect first impressions


A perfect first impression sets the tone for the entire user experience and can significantly impact how visitors perceive your brand. With our skilled web design Adelaide team, we understand the importance of creating visually stunning and engaging websites that captivate your audience from the moment they land on your site. Whether it's a custom design or utilizing the power of WordPress websites, we combine our expertise in design and development to ensure that your website not only looks impressive but also functions seamlessly, providing a user-friendly experience that leaves a lasting positive impression on your visitors.

It begins and ends with your most valued clients - present and potential.

When you can identify the people who make your business flourish, you can cultivate even more opportunities for success. By appealing to the wants, needs, and aspirations of value-aligned clients, with strategic branding, strong, relevant messaging, and engaging design, you’ll be building toward future growth and more enjoyable - and more valued - work.

And that’s when we bring in the wow factor to inspire and connect with the clients who you value the most.

Pre-qualified leads
Build better relationships
Reach your community
High-value clients
web design services with passion and purpose - connect and engage your dream clients

Web design wizardry for high-value connections

Pre-qualified leads


We understand the importance of generating pre-qualified leads for your business. As one of the top web design companies, our expertise in building websites is focused on creating online platforms that not only capture the attention of your target audience but also engage and convert them into high-value leads. Through strategic design elements, compelling content, and intuitive user experiences, we ensure that your website becomes a powerful lead-generation tool, attracting and nurturing potential customers who are already interested in what you have to offer.

Build better relationships


We believe that building better relationships with your customers is a crucial aspect of the web design process. As experienced web designers in Adelaide, we recognise that establishing a strong connection and fostering trust between your business and your audience can lead to long-term loyalty, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth referrals. Through thoughtful design, engaging content, and intuitive user experiences, we strive to create websites that not only impress visually but also cultivate meaningful relationships with your customers, ensuring their satisfaction and continued engagement with your brand.

Reach your community


Our approach to web design goes beyond surface-level aesthetics. Unlike other web design companies, we take the time to understand the needs, values, and interests of your target community, allowing us to establish a strong and authentic connection. Through our in-depth research and creative expertise, we ensure that every aspect of your website, from its captivating visuals to its compelling messaging, resonates deeply with your audience. Our goal is to help you stand out among your competitors and create a lasting impression that fosters trust loyalty, and meaningful engagement with your brand.

High-value clients


We craft websites that are specifically tailored to your target audience and their unique needs. By conducting in-depth research and understanding your ideal client profile, we develop a website that speaks directly to their pain points, aspirations, and desires. The design, messaging, and user experience are carefully crafted to resonate with high-value clients, creating a strong connection right from the first visit.

Building the purpose into your design.

Deep design philosophy

Deep Design Philosophy

We take the time to delve deep to represent your unique story and your ideal clients in our design - creating truly characteristic websites and branding.
Inclusive and empowering

Inclusive and Empowering

We’re friendly folk and we don’t try to sell to you with confusing jargon. That goes for your website too, we give you the tools and control to be your own expert.
Wizards of wow factor

Wizards of Wow Factor

We devote ourselves to producing that signature Studio Sondar first impression to give your ideal clients the perfect brand experience - crafted to excite and engage.

Truly from scratch - we start raw

Deep Dive Workshop & Research
We first take a deep dive to get all of the information we need to know in order to create designs that will reach the right people and fit your vision. During our workshop, we’ll do exercises like competitor mapping, positioning, user personas and brand voice.
Creative Website Design & Strategy
From here, we’ll bring your ideas and vision to life. Drawing from our deep discovery, we design the concept - that includes the look, layout, function, and feel. We ensure it tells your story, provides an engaging experience for your future clients, builds credibility with your brand, and has a clear call to action.
Building your New Website
With a design you’re stoked on, now we bring it to life using interactive and dynamic elements, along with smooth and seamless navigation to keep users engaged and interested in your content. During this process this is where we make sure it’s optimised across devices and search results, and include accessibility feature to allow your full audience access.
Launch & Handover
​It’s all smooth sailing from here! With a checklist that we work to, we get your website hooked up and ready for success. This includes providing 1 on 1 training to help you make future changes, and we even create launch graphics for us both to use to celebrate your new website.

Our promise.

A smooth process that prioritises your vision
Open, understanding, and respectful conversation
Inspiring, creative ideas and collaboration
A slow, tedious, year-long project
Falling off the radar just when you need us
Steamrolled or told it’s our way or the highway

If you don’t love the website design we create for you…
​Then here’s our guarantee

We’re certain that you’re going to be proud of your new website. We’re so sure that, if you aren’t completely satisfied by the time we’ve completed the design portion of your new website, you’ll get your money back to reinvest back into your business. We’ve never had a client be anything less than blown away on launch day, and we have a great feeling that you will be too.

Frequently asked questions

Do you have experience with not-for-profit website design?


Yes, we absolutely love working with not-for-profit organisations!

Organisations like not-for-profits or NGOs will typically have a range of diverse needs that we strictly follow to enable their users to access their services. We’re immensely proud of our past projects with many not-for-profit orgs, and we’re also passionate about using the tools and lessons of accessibility to give more people access to the web.

If you represent a non-profit organisation, we’d heartily encourage you to visit our NFP services page to see what we can add to your organisation.

What does Studio Sondar do differently from other Australian web design companies?


Well, plenty! Our passion, in design and branding, is to bring our clients a combination of two things. Value, that you may not even know to look for, and pride in a website that all three parties (us, you, and your clients) are immediately thrilled with.

While some website design companies may focus on high-turnover, low-value cookie-cutter websites, we’re dedicated to building you something that achieves your goals, builds in value, grows with you into the future, and represents both you and your clients. With strategic design decisions and a heavy emphasis placed on reaching the right customers, we’re in the sweet spot of web design - function, aesthetic, and appeal.

But the proof is in the pudding! See our case studies and completed projects to see just how effective our unique style is.

How much does web design cost?


The investment necessary to build a website is so dependent on a number of factors such as; size, scope, timing, functionality, and many other things. But it’s a really important question! When working with custom website designers, you’ll likely be looking at a quote starting from $5k for a simple, small website. We can’t give you a quick quote in the FAQ section because we don’t know anything about your business or your goals, but we can say that we’ve got a knack for finding a solution that fits within your budget.

The best decision you can make is to get us in a room for a chat - we’re lovely people and we’re more than happy to discuss what you can expect out of your website design budget.

How long will it take for my custom website to be launched?


For the most part, that’s up to you. We work with you to create the timeline that best meets your needs because our priority is your clients and your goals. A full branded website with all the bells and whistles, from discovery to launch, will generally take at least 3-6 weeks, but we prefer to allow enough time to guarantee your investment has the impact that you desire.

We design and build with a collaborative process - that means you and us are on speed dial. We pre-book our milestone meetings to keep the project on track and the team accountable for delivering an amazing product on time, ready to show the world. For the best outcomes possible. So, with the right cooperation, our usual strategic planning, and a little web wizard magic, your website will be ready before our planned launch date.

Does Studio Sondar offer eCommerce website design?


We absolutely have the capacity to handle eCommerce web design projects, but we do things a little differently over at Studio Sondar. Many eCommerce start-up businesses have a drive to explode into the scene, dredging consumers with a wide net. High lead - low yield operations. We prefer to design directly toward expressly valued customers (and our clients love us for it!).

So, for wide-reach eCommerce websites, like drop-shipping for example, we’re happy to point you to some reliable folks to help you out. But if you’re looking to build a deep connection with your community or speak directly to the people who appreciate your business the most, then you’re in the right place.

I need web designers with experience in my industry, can Studio Sondar help?


We’ve been around the block. We’ve worked with awesome people from a huge range of industries, and through that, built great insights into the niche ins and outs that exist within. While our work is more dependent on working with businesses that hold strong values and a desire to build relationships with their clients; certain industries just benefit so much from a Studio Sondar touch that they’re worth mentioning. We’re always looking for not-for-profit organisations, custom home builders, business and lifestyle coaches, allied health, and businesses serving people with disability accessibility challenges, but above all else, we love working with passionate people who want to reach their dream people.

But our short answer is generally yes. We can help.

I’m looking for digital marketing services, like social media marketing. Do I need a good website for that?


Great question, and we’re glad you asked!

Content marketing is all the rage in our current times and for good reason! With everyone and their dog shopping, browsing, and finding social proof online, many businesses have been forced to join the huddle out here on the internet. So, we can’t help but support your desire to be found online. To answer your question, yes, you do need a website to make the most of a digital marketing campaign. Why?

Services like social media marketing are extremely effective at finding people and redirecting them somewhere to see what you’re hoping will encourage them to interact with you. The key for us is to make that somewhere as effective as possible and speak to the right people! We see scepticism rising as people around Australia are becoming more internet-savvy, which is generally a good thing for high-value businesses - provided they can meet the demand. What it means for you, is the demand (or opportunity) to make a strong first impression with your website. A shabby website (or none at all) could leave your future client with doubts about your legitimacy, whereas a strong website provides a sense of realness to the digital space.

But that’s not the end of it. We care about crafting that first impression to perform more of a role than basic legitimacy. We seek to engage, excite, and familiarise your next, best client with you before you even meet.

Will I be able to edit my own website?


We’re not about locking people out of their websites where they have to pay us money to change a phone number or an email address.

Included in all of our website design, development, or branding projects is 1 on 1 training on how you can edit all of your own content as well as video documentation to help you if you get stuck. You’ll have full administrative access to your website and we’ll just be there for you if you need us.

Do you offer payment plans for your projects?


We understand that direct investments into the future success of your business can be complicated calculations! So, we make the decision to plan for the growth of your business an easy one by being as flexible as possible with your payments. We offer 6 month payment plans on all website design and development projects, and 3 month plans for branding-only projects.Investing for future success is fundamentally important for any business, and we’re working towards your goals.